Saturday, March 4, 2017

Reflections for March 3, 2017

Those who try to make their life secure will lose it, but those who lose their life will keep it."(Luke 17:33)

Lately my cell phone keeps getting calls from a "home security company."  They keep offering me a free system, until I tell the automated voice that I don't own my home, then they go away.

We live in a time when security seems to be the word of the day.  We are told that we should live in fear of someone or something.  That we are powerless without some system to protect us.  And that we should give our power away or some of our money to make us secure from these unnamed threats.

Jesus tells us that the opposite is true. That in attempting to make ourselves "secure" we actually lose our life.  For me the warning is about again, living in fear of something that I need to be protected from, and as the fear and paranoia take over I stop enjoying being alive.

See I get to keep living when I choose to lose a life that is based on some false sense of security.  I get to keep my iife when I lose the fear and paranoia.  I get to keep my life when I put my trust in God and go about living my life in freedom.


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