Friday, April 21, 2017

Reflection for April 17, 2017

"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; early in the morning I make my appeal and watch for you."(Psalm 5:3)

I admit that I'm a morning person.  I always have been. Once I'm up, I'm up.  I don't know how much past 7 am I could actually sleep.  Today like most Monday-Fridays I got up at 5 am, I get dressed, feed the cats and head out to the gym.  The gym is actually a part of my prayer time.  I do have my headphones on and my "hard rock/heavy metal" playing to tune out the other distractions, but my brain and my hear are also conversing with God, wrestling with that weeks sermon, praying about what is coming up that day and asking for God's guidance.

You might think the music and concentrating on the exercising might work against this, but it doesn't.  Since I believe God is listening 24/7 the question for all of us is what time are we willing to start our end of the conversation?


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