Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reflection for May 11, 2017

  "So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers[b] criticized him,  saying,'Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?'” (Acts 11:2-3)

One of the saddest things about the world today is the us vs. them mentality that is has become entrenched and has grown. Certainly there have always been people who behave as if the only people worth associating with are people who look, act, worship, believe etc. whatever they are.

I for one find such a world boring at best, and actually destructive at worst. I don't need to agree with someone on every single thing in order to break bread with them.  I am sure that when I'm seen talking to "conservative" folks, my "liberal" friends may question my loyalties.  And it is also true that I've been attacked by "conservatives" for not seeing the world the same way they see it.

If the early church had stayed entrenched in that us vs. them mentality it would never have grown and would be part of ancient history.  Instead when the early leaders followed the guidance of the Spirit, and engaged others who were not carbon copies of them, the church grew.  

Yet somewhere that mustard seed of division still festers. There is still a how can you associate with a _____________.  All I know is that for me to not engage in a respectful way everyone is to lessen myself and to weaken the message of the Good News.


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