Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Reflection for February 22, 2017

"Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!"(Luke 12:51)

If you were to listen to the news you would believe that Jesus is truly among us, given the amount of division right here in our country. While I don't think Jesus is the cause of our divisions, I'm sure he finds them sad.

It does seem strange to hear the Prince of Peace offering this statement. Does our faith just inherently call for division? To a certain extent yes it does.  We may agree about Jesus being Lord and head of the church, but how we live out our faith is often very different from denomination to denomination, and sometimes even differently within.

And while we are the "United States" we know that there are real differences in how folks view what makes America great.  And while we've avoided armed conflict for almost 150 years, we are not at peace with each other in this country.

And perhaps the real problem may be that we are somewhat divided internally. We're not always so sure where our loyalties should lie. And unless we are at peace with ourselves, it will be hard to heal those other divisions.


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