Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reflection for January 21, 2017

"Jesus then asked him, “What is your name?” He said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him."(Luke 8:30)

If you've read the Harry Potter books you will know that the main antagonist was often referred to as "he who must not be named."  It is only Harry who has the initial courage to name him.  And of course it is ultimately Harry who defeats him.

Naming the demon is important if you are going to defeat it.  The demon can be within oneself or forces outside of one self.

Being able to name a problem is always the first step in confronting and ultimately overcoming.  And as people of faith we draw on that love of Christ to help in the naming.  When we won't name it or talk about it if you will, then the demon continues to control.

The same is true when confronting evil in our world.  If we won't name it, it can hide and get at us in ways we won't even perceive.  But when we call it out into the light, evil generally doesn't like exposure. 

It takes courage to name the demons, they don't go away quietly.  But when we close our eyes and try to pretend they aren't there they have a bad habit of multiplying and becoming "many."


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