Sunday, January 1, 2017

Reflection for January 1, 2017

"Zechariah said to the angel, ‘How will I know that this is so? For I am an old man, and my wife is getting on in years.’ Luke 1:18

Well a new year is here.  Frankly it feels like the same as last year, which isn't actually bad.  2016 was a good year.  No real changes, things flowed smoothly for the most part.  As I read so many people saying worst year ever, usually following a celebrity death, I kept wanting to say why?  But also how do you determine whether a year was great, good or bad?

What I know is that on every new year, as a matter of fact every new day, we enter into an unknown.  There may be some idea of what should take place each day, but no guarantees other than the sun rising and setting.  

We may have been promised something but much like Zechariah, how will we know?  This is especially true if the promise seems beyond our imaginations.  If the promises seem to defy logic.  We may even have our excuses as to why we are so skeptical.

Much like Zechariah I could claim to be an old, okay just older man, I don't know what is considered old these days in a chronological way.  I do know that as I get older I find I need to be more open to the surprises that each day may bring.  Give thanks when those surprises are positive.  Pray for strength if they are not.

But I do know that today the sun rose, it is a new year, a new day.  What I choose to do with this gift and how go about my daily life will say much about how I'm doing on that faith-doubt continuum that we all walk.


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