Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Reflection for July 23, 2017

"But as for me, I walk in my integrity; redeem me, and be gracious to me."(Psalm 26:11)

Integrity is an interesting word. It certainly is personal because it is about how you behave.  So you would walk in your own integrity not someone else's.  As I was thinking of this I read an article called "The True Meaning of Integrity by So-Young Kang. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/soyoung-kang/the-true-meaning-of-integ_b_11273420.html  I recommend reading the whole article.

In it Kang wrote the following that I found helpful.
"Integrity stems from the Latin word ‘integer’ which means whole and complete. So integrity requires an inner sense of ‘wholeness’ and consistency of character. When you are in integrity, people should be able to visibly see it through your actions, words, decisions, methods, and outcomes. When you are ‘whole’ and consistent, there is only one you. You bring that same you wherever you are, regardless of the circumstance. You don’t leave parts of yourself behind. You don’t have a ‘work you,’ a ‘family you,’ and a ‘social you.’ You are YOU all the time.
Given the real definition of integrity, we recognize that it is actually extremely difficult to be in integrity 100% of the time. We aspire to be in integrity with what we believe but sometimes, we mess up. Sometimes, our emotions get the best of us and we are unable to intentionally manage our behavior and actions. Sometimes, we don’t give ourselves permission to be our true selves out of fear of what others may think or due to an inability to truly ‘integrate’ the various parts of ourselves into ONE, complete WHOLE person."
I'd like to believe that the Ed you meet is the same Ed regardless of who I am around. And while I strive to do this, as the quote says I don't always achieve it. But I know it is worth striving for and is probably a lot less stressful than putting on a different mask all the time.

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