Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Reflection for July 17, 2017

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer."(Psalm 19:14)

Before beginning my sermon I always recite this verse.  I like the idea that what I'm about to say and what I've thought about through the week in preparation will be acceptable to God.  I feel like that is the best I can hope for and I strive to hit the mark.

What would happen if everyone used this principle in our daily interaction with others.  What if we strived to make our words worthy of God, our thoughts worthy and acceptable to God.  Given the current state of communication this seems like and impossible dream.  And yet my sense is that if we all took a moment to make sure what we are about to let fly out of our mouth is worth saying, and if we turn our thoughts to things that are positive, what a difference it could make.


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