Sunday, February 5, 2017

Reflection for February 5, 2017

" Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said to himself, “Can a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Can Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17)

Has someone ever told you something and you just burst out laughing? That's okay if in fact they were telling you a joke, but sometimes what they say is so unbelievable that you wind up laughing, or at least snicker.But when the person says, wait a minute I was serious, you then need to pay attention.  

Abraham laughs at God which seems audacious to me. And of course also raises doubts in his head. I think the same thing would happen to me too.  But because God knows what we're thinking, but doesn't want to end the conversation he keeps talking and explaining.

It often takes a lot of faith to trust in the promises and direction that God gives us. Somethings feel at first laughable, but in reality are quite serious.  And when we're through laughing it is time to listen and to take action.


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