"Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and live there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first.”(Luke 11:26)
I am not a person that believes in demons, though I do believe that evil exists. I do believe that there are things that can control our lives in negative ways to which we battle. My own personal one has been weight. So food is my demon, or perhaps my abuse of food is.
There are lots of ways to work on this problem, Many fad diets, or perhaps using a specific brand of food. All of those can work to a point but if you stop doing them once you've achieved your "ideal" weight it is amazing how quickly the weight returns and often more than what you lost in the first place.
What is needed beyond getting the "demon" out of you is also a need to learn how to not let the demon back in. How to keep your "house neat and in order."
Through the lifestyle change that I'm doing I am hopeful that I will learn how to eat what I need, to enjoy it, and to be able to hopefully never go back to the physical state I once was in.
Won't be easy. I love food. But certainly better than being stuck.
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