Saturday, February 18, 2017

Reflection for February 16, 2017

" But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things;"(Luke 10:41)

The last few weeks I've been without my administrative assistant. When you've gotten used to someone else doing certain things and suddenly you have to do them it is overwhelming.  It's not that these things are hard, or that I'm not capable of doing them, I just hadn't had to worry about them for the last year and a half.

When we get overburdened by work or tasks, it is easy to get grumpy, to start wondering why nobody is helping. Some of us are workers and while that gives us joy, we don't like to see others not helping.

But Jesus seems to be saying we need to take time to be with him in order to get done the other things.  Otherwise we will be worried and distracted beyond our ability to be useful or fruitful. So if you are a more of a "Martha" type, tap into some prayer time.


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