by the forgiveness of their sins." Luke 1:77
This verse is taken from what is often referred to as the Song of Zechariah or if you prefer fancy Latin titles Bendictus Dominus Deus.
He says this after having his voice restored because he and Elizabeth followed through by naming their son John as God had instructed them. You could say that the loss of his ability to speak was a teachable moment for Zechariah, because once he can speak again, he proclaims his faith in God, who has been present for Israel all along.
Teachable moments happen all the time. Usually through a mistake made, but one where someone helps you see why it didn't work and a better way to approach it next time. We learn of salvation only when we experience forgiveness from God. And of course forgiveness comes when we've had those teachable moments that cause us to sin.
I hope to not have too many teachable moments, but I'm sure I will. And in those times I hope I use the forgiveness offered to head in a better direction.
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