Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reflection for January 19, 2017

" Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which were many, have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” (Luke 7:47)

If you have ever experienced being forgiven you probably can understand the sheer joy that led the woman that Jesus refers to in the quote.  Everybody seemed to know her reputation, whether it was deserved or not. But Jesus doesn't seem interested in her reputation as much as in her desire to start over and to sense that the forgiveness that would come from him would be that moment.

But the point of the quote isn't about how much she had been forgiven as it is to me more about those of us who while still needing some forgiveness may not need nearly as much.

I wonder if the wall that Jesus is pointing too is more about how we will judge other people's level of sinfulness, which actually is an incredibly unloving act.  It may be hard to love when you never acknowledge your own short comings.  It may be hard to love when you haven't actually lived.

That doesn't mean we should go out of our way to do the wrong thing, but for me acknowledges that there will be times when I'm trying to do the loving thing that I might get it wrong.  But the more we try something, the more times we might need that forgiveness.


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