Friday, January 20, 2017

Reflection for January 20, 2017

"Then pay attention to how you listen; for to those who have, more will be given; and from those who do not have, even what they seem to have will be taken away.”(Luke 8:18)

I've always maintained that there is a difference between hearing and listening. There's only one way to hear something, the sound waves hit your ear drum and you go from their.

Listening is more of a skill set.  There are definetely different ways to listen. I like the challenge here to pay attention to how you listen.  There are people who only listen to hear things they already believe or think.  I try to listen to a wider spectrum personally.  There are people who listen but are really just hearing.  Listening takes focus.

So today many, though not all will be listening to President Trump give his first speech. How will they listen, though?  What will they pay attention to? I won't be watching it live, but I will listen to excerpts later because I have enough friends on Facebook who will share what they liked and what they didn't like, all depending on how they feel about the President.

But in the next four years we will need to be listening, not only to the rhetoric coming from those with political power, but also to those who will be most affected negatively by any decisions that are made.  This isn't actually a new strategy, but one we should always be employing.


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