Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Reflection for May 14, 2017

" Now a new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. "(Exodus 1:8)

Within any group you can think of the collective memory will eventually fade if not disappear altogether.  There will come a time when there will be no one at my former church who remembers the "Zelley" years.  I'm alright with that, but somewhere in the DNA of that church there will always be a little zelley essence.

We often times do go for a "golden era" of some kind, but usually there's no eye witnesses around to tell us what it was truly like.  Joseph had done great things in Egypt, not only for the Hebrew people but also for the Egyptians as well.  But if the story doesn't get told and the legacy built upon it will crumble and eventually someone will come along who has never heard of "Joseph."  And all the positive things can go quickly to pot.

Which is why it is important to always tell the stories of our lives either individually or corporately so that those who follow can know what has worked and is a core value, and what was just a moment in time.


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